Meat Processing Software News Update Sep 2017
Merit-Trax Technologies Meat Processing Software news update
Merit-Trax Technologies listens to feedback from our customers, and checks for industry changes in order to add beneficial updates to our Meat processing software. Trax-IT Meat processing software.
Our goal is always to implement our Meat Processing Software that maximizes the benefits for our customers, with that in mind we’ve added some new features to our Trax-IT Meat processing software, including
For further information on our software and services, you can contact us for information or to schedule an online demo.
7000 Cote de Liesse Road, #200
St-Laurent, QC,
Canada H4T 1E7
Tel: (514) 736-1996
Toll-Free: 1 (866) 736-1996
Fax: (514) 736-2679
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