TRAX-IT® Slaughterhouse Software

Box Meat Inventory

The TRAX-IT Slaughterhouse Software Box Packing programs run on a networked stainless-steel touchscreen computer.


The computer is connected to the scale indicator at the weighing station and receives the gross weight from the scale.

The TRAX-IT desktop software includes the management of the box and bag types to manage the tare weights to calculate the net weight of a box.

The boxes can be packed either for stock or to build a shipment to a customer.

The box packing program has multiple options with respect to how the boxes get added to the finished product inventory, and can be used with automated and semi-automated box weighing and labeling systems.

With the TRAX-IT Slaughterhouse Software system managers can follow the box production in real-time, and manage the finished product inventory in the office, using the following TRAX-IT desktop programs:         

  • Box Inquiry       
  • Pallet Inquiry       
  • Summary Inventory Inquiry       
  • Daily Production        
  • Production Batches       
  • QA Lots
  • QA Lot Recall
  • Cycle Count        
  • Warehouse Transfers         
  • End Day Inventory report
  • Inventory by Pallet report
  • Inventory Evaluation report
  • Inventory to be Moved to Freezer report
  • Inventory Summary - QA Lot report
  • Inventory Summary report
  • Inventory Location report Inventory status inquiry and report for a range of sales order ship dates

Get In Touch

For further information on our slaughterhouse software and services, you can contact us for information or to schedule an online demo.


7000 Cote de Liesse Road, #200 

St-Laurent, QC, 

Canada H4T 1E7


Tel: (514) 736-1996

Toll-Free: 1 (866) 736-1996

Fax: (514) 736-2679


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