TRAX-IT® Slaughterhouse Software Technology Interfacing

The TRAX-IT Slaughterhouse Software system uses either rugged handheld computers which include LF RFID readers and barcode scanners, and communicate with the server over an 802.11 wireless network, as well as Industrial touchscreen computers which interface with RFID readers, weigh scales and printers, and communicate with the server over an 802.11 wireless network or a cabled TCP/IP network.

For simple data collection needs the data from weigh scales can be

sent directly to the database server in the office using a network connection.

Get In Touch

For further information on our slaughterhouse software and services, you can contact us for information or to schedule an online demo.


7000 Cote de Liesse Road, #200 

St-Laurent, QC, 

Canada H4T 1E7


Tel: (514) 736-1996

Toll-Free: 1 (866) 736-1996

Fax: (514) 736-2679


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