
New meat email setup



Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many of our small to medium size
meat processing customers have experienced increased customer demand,
while having to do deal with labor shortages and inexperienced
replacement staff.

To help with these problems, Merit-Trax
Technologies has worked with our customers to make changes to their
operating procedures, which in conjunction with our software, has
enabled them to meet the increased demand with fewer and less
experienced staff members. 

For over 20 years our team of experts has provided customized
solutions, which solve each meat processor’s unique set of problems,
while improving their operations.

We provide a more accurate picture of how
the business is performing, without owners and managers having to
spending hours working with Excel. 

Some of our software features include:

      • Purchasing and receiving
      • Raw material inventory
      • Production management  
      • Repack management
      • Box meat inventory
      • Traceability by supplier batch
      • Finished product traceability
        to customers
      • Quality lot management
      • Warehouse management
      • Customer order entry,
        shipping & invoicing

With our system analysis and implementation experience, we can
customize our software to complement your operating methods, your
level of automation and the experience of your staff.

A phone call with us will be your first step to
improving your efficiency and saving money.

Please visit our website
and give us a call to
learn how we can be of service to you. 


Best regards

Michael Miskin, B.Eng.


Merit-Trax Technologies Inc.


1-866-736-1996 ext. 301

ext. 301

fax: 514-736-2679



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Merit-Trax Technologies Inc.
5760 Royalmount Ave., Suite 204,

Mount-Royal, Quebec H4P 1K5 Canada 

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